Alexander Brass Band spilte en flott konsert (syntes vi) men oppnådde kanskje ikke helt plassering vi håpet på. Vi havnet på en 10 plass i 2 divisjon med 87 poeng. Uansett en kjekk dag i Bjergsted 🙂
Hør Musikk her:
- The Cossack (William Rimmer)
- Dreamsong (Philip Sparke, Euph. solist Mette Lütcherath)
- Variations in Blue (Derek M. Broadbent)
- Embers (Tom Davoren)
- Ride (Samuel Hazo, arr. Jonathan Bates)
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Dommer: Anne Crookston
A bold opening – sometimes rushing to meet barlines, however I love the attention to dynamic detail. Delicate solo cornet -bravo. Again – try not to rush over barlines. Bass solo – we lose a little of the semiquaver detail at the end of each bar – take more time with these. Euph/ bars – beautifully controlled, thank you. Well controlled ff to close – thank you.
The opening is so well shaped and creates a dream-like atmosphere. This sets up the solo euph well. The opening statement is nicely shaped – brava! Don’t be afraid to use as much musical licence and finesse – it’s yours to play with! Tutti band sounds are well organised and balanced. Again solo euphorias, this is well delivered – don’t let the band dominate you – really sing out through 35. Be careful band – make sure the chord entries and ends of phrases through the collaboration part are absolutely together – particularly in the final few bars. Brava solo euph – you delivered this well, but I think you could take more chances with the musical shapes!
Great sounds trombones (although I count 4 in your trio!) The last couple of bars before the Allegro aren’t quite together, however, you are really on song from Allegro – great stuff, and super balance. Commodo is so tricky to get the ensemble absolutely on point – really work at this. Troms – sexy, stylish playing! Great shift in tempo and style – I would love to get a lot more of the accented quavers and absolutely tight ensemble – it would really bring this to life. Love the trombone balance though – thank you.
A tricky opening, however this is nicely balanced, and I appreciate the musical touches. Keep the discipline at phrase ends however. Cornet solo is sensitive – thank you. Bar 57 octaves – these are not blemish-free, however this is difficult, I like the build in dynamic shape that follows. There are nice ‘block’ dynamic shapes, however don’t be afraid to shape the music more – it’s yours to take a bit more licence and find some bigger contrasts.
Energetic opening – I like the tempo choice – however the block chord articulation is not always absolutely together. Nice control from E – well done sop, don’t play this too quietly. Really work hard to give me all of the accented detail from F. Nice dynamic shift from G, but again the accented details would help – be absolutely together. Troms a little untidy to enter after H. K has good energy – well done percussion and you maintain this to the end.Thank you for your performance today – you had nice contrasts in choice of music and overall, a good balance of sound. Soloists all performed well, giving a satisfying performance.
Dommer: Les Neish
A good start to the programme. Always make sure the music doesn’t feel like it wants to move forward. Rhythm is certainly the key in any march. The dynamic contrasts are good and in general the ensemble is neat and tidy too. Just at times the tempo fluctuates a little. Really work hard on the articulations too as this helps to give the music lots of character and style. After the double bar make sure you listen to the snare drum as this will really help with the ensemble. A very good, confident start to your programme
A lovely opening with good musical shape. Really work hard on the articulations in the softer dynamics so that notes speak together and with a true ‘magic’ to the atmosphere. The euphonium soloist sings well and shows musical shaping. The balance is really well controlled and the soloist is heard. Don’t be afraid to go for it even more so your lovely sound projects even more. Good sounds at ’31’. Ensemble is generally good through ’35’ but make sure you listen to the soloist all of the time to make sure notes line up. Lots of control from all towards the end of the piece too. Well done.
Good opening showing lots of confidence. ‘Allegro’ Band just takes a little time to settle with the ensemble. Good trombone sound and ensemble is good with good attention to note lengths from all players. Just at times in the transitions between the sections it takes a little time for the ensemble and style to settle in the accompaniment. Once it does, it’s great! ‘E’ Great. Even more bass trombone too! Lots of style and panache trombones. Very enjoyable from start to finish.
A tricky opening and you do very well with this. Soloists project well. You can go for it even more in the shaping to give the music even more expression and colour. You have the chance in this type of music to really do that. ’49’ you take a real risk with the quiet dynamics but always make sure of the ensemble when moving between notes. ’58’ lovely, warm sounds with some very tasteful percussion playing too.
An energetic start to this piece and in general the rhythmic unison is good. Just be careful with the 7/8 bars that we feel a constant quaver pulse throughout. Percussion can really help with this so make sure you are always listening to this to enhance ensemble. ‘H’ just took a little time to settle in terms of ensemble but you recover well. Overall, an engaging programme with a good variety of content. The overall band sound is good and the soloists play well. Just try to project your sounds and musical ideas even more as it will bring even more character and style to your performances. Also, work hard on rhythm all of time so the music has a genuine sense of pulse and rhythmic vitality. Well done and many thanks.